Thursday 19 April 2012

Two long-stayers desperate for a new home

We're going to hear from two boys who are desperate for a new home. Ozzy & Taz are Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross-breeds and both of them have been with us far longer than they would have liked.



My name's Taz and I've been at the RSPCA for quite a while now. I'm only 18 months old so there's plenty of life in me!

My favourite thing about being in here is the time I get to spend playing in the yard with some of the people who look after me. The best toy is the ball that they throw for me, especially if I get one of the ones who can throw really far! I love the ball so much that I don't really enjoy giving it back once I've caught it, but I've learnt that if I do give it back then they'll throw it again for me.

My other favourite thing to do is get treats! The staff say how much they love giving me treats because I'm such a gentleman about it and take them very nicely. Here's a picture of me after I've dragged my blanket out into the front of the kennel to get comfy!

The staff have also told me to tell you that I'd be better of in a home with adults only and with somebody who has experience of looking after similar dogs. Apparently they also have to be firm, but fair, because I've been told that I'm very strong-willed. I get upset when people come on to my territory but if I'm in a secure home with somebody to reassure me I think I would be okay.

I haven't had a good life so far really. My old owner just left the house and never came back. I couldn't get out and was trapped inside with nothing. Luckily a nice lady found me and looked after me until somebody called an 'Inspector' could bring me here.

Because I was left alone for so long I don't really want to have to go through that again. So I'd like to go home with somebody who is either at home with me or can take me out and about with them! I need something to do to test my brain because I'm quite a smarty-pants really! I'd really love another go at being somebody's pet. If you're the special person with the time and the expertise to take me home please come and meet me.


I'm Ozzy and you've already read a lot about me on this blog!

I've been here for quite a while now and I really think it's time for me to find a home. I'm very loveable and you won't find a more loyal dog. All I want to do is have a cuddle and a belly rub.

Here I am begging for a belly rub from Leanne. If you come and see me you'll notice that that's one of the first things I do.

I'm 5 years YOUNG! I love to play, especially when they throw rope toys for me to chase and catch in the yard. That, and cuddles, are my favourite past-times. If you give me love I promise that I will love you back forever!

I came in here because my owner died. I was very sad about it and I still am really because I loved my owner very much, but I feel ready to go on to a new home now.

The staff tell me all the time that they don't know why I'm still here. But I heard them saying that it's probably because I don't like other dogs. I'm sorry, I've tried, but I can't help it. I really don't like other dogs and I just can't change my ways. It means that when I go out for a walk I have to wear a muzzle, which I don't really like but it's not too bad. I still love my walks though!

I know the 'dog thing' might bother some people but I hope you can look past it because I promise that apart from that I will be the best dog you have ever had!

Lots of love & slobbery kisses xxxxxxx

p.s. don't you like my bat ears? Leanne says she thinks they make me look adorable!

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