Friday, 11 May 2012

Look who's talking!

Hold on a second. He's not one of us; that's definitely not an animal talking! Ah, of course, it's Malcolm getting ready for the big kennel re-opening party here at Abbey Street on the 12th May. I've heard all the fun starts at 12 o' clock. There's going to be a BBQ, stalls and games. Best of all, you can come and meet some of us animals in person (or should that be in canine or feline...mmm...I'll have to get back to you on that one)!

Godfrey Meynell, a descendent of Brigadier-General Godfrey Meynell who was our President in 1930s, will be cutting the ribbon at 1pm. We'd love you to come and join in the celebrations too.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Stan the Man!

Hello. I'm Stanley. As you can see, I am rather handsome (even if I do say so myself). I had an abscess on my toe but now I'm absolutely purrrfect. I'm five years old so I'm in the prime of my life and my hobbies are playing football, purring and eating; although not always in that order. I'm very friendly and would love a bit of human company. Do you have a home for me?